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Control flow structures

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For loops are a flow control method for repeating a task or set of tasks over a domain. The core structure of a for loop is

for ( [index] in [domain]){


  1. [index] is a name takes exactly one value of [domain] over each iteration of the loop.
  2. [domain] is a vector of values over which to iterate.
  3. [body] is the set of instructions to apply on each iteration.

As a trivial example, consider the use of a for loop to obtain the cumulative sum of a vector of values.

x <- 1:4
cumulative_sum <- 0
for (i in x){
  cumulative_sum <- cumulative_sum + x[i]

Optimizing Structure of For Loops

For loops can be useful for conceptualizing and executing tasks to repeat. If not constructed carefully, however, they can be very slow to execute compared to the preferred used of the apply family of functions. Nonetheless, there are a handful of elements you can include in your for loop construction to optimize the loop. In many cases, good construction of the for loop will yield computational efficiency very close to that of an apply function.

A 'properly constructed' for loop builds on the core structure and includes a statement declaring the object that will capture each iteration of the loop. This object should have both a class and a length declared.

[output] <- [vector_of_length]
for ([index] in [length_safe_domain]){
  [output][index] <- [body]

To illustrate, let us write a loop to square each value in a numeric vector (this is a trivial example for illustration only. The 'correct' way of completing this task would be x_squared <- x^2).

x <- 1:100
x_squared <- vector("numeric", length = length(x))
for (i in seq_along(x)){
  x_squared[i] <- x[i]^2

Again, notice that we first declared a receptacle for the output x_squared, and gave it the class "numeric" with the same length as x. Additionally, we declared a "length safe domain" using the seq_along function. seq_along generates a vector of indices for an object that is suited for use in for loops. While it seems intuitive to use for (i in 1:length(x)), if x has 0 length, the loop will attempt to iterate over the domain of 1:0, resulting in an error (the 0th index is undefined in R).

Receptacle objects and length safe domains are handled internally by the apply family of functions and users are encouraged to adopt the apply approach in place of for loops as much as possible. However, if properly constructed, a for loop may occasionally provide greater code clarity with minimal loss of efficiency.

Vectorizing For Loops

For loops can often be a useful tool in conceptualizing the tasks that need to be completed within each iteration. When the loop is completely developed and conceptualized, there may be advantages to turning the loop into a function.

In this example, we will develop a for loop to calculate the mean of each column in the mtcars dataset (again, a trivial example as it could be accomplished via the colMeans function).

column_mean_loop <- vector("numeric", length(mtcars))
for (k in seq_along(mtcars)){
  column_mean_loop[k] <- mean(mtcars[[k]])

The for loop can be converted to an apply function by rewriting the body of the loop as a function.

col_mean_fn <- function(x) mean(x)
column_mean_apply <- vapply(mtcars, col_mean_fn, numeric(1))

And to compare the results:

          unname(column_mean_apply)) #* vapply added names to the elements
                                     #* remove them for comparison

The advantages of the vectorized form is that we were able to eliminate a few lines of code. The mechanics of determining the length and type of the output object and iterating over a length safe domain are handled for us by the apply function. Additionally, the apply function is a little bit faster than the loop. The difference of speed is often negligible in human terms depending on the number of iterations and the complexity of the body.

Basic For Loop Construction

In this example we will calculate the squared deviance for each column in a data frame, in this case the mtcars.

Option A: integer index

squared_deviance <- vector("list", length(mtcars))
for (i in seq_along(mtcars)){
  squared_deviance[[i]] <- (mtcars[[i]] - mean(mtcars[[i]]))^2

squared_deviance is an 11 elements list, as expected.


Option B: character index

squared_deviance <- vector("list", length(mtcars))
Squared_deviance <- setNames(squared_deviance, names(mtcars))
for (k in names(mtcars)){
  squared_deviance[[k]] <- (mtcars[[k]] - mean(mtcars[[k]]))^2

What if we want a data.frame as a result? Well, there are many options for transforming a list into other objects. However, and maybe the simplest in this case, will be to store the for results in a data.frame.

squared_deviance <- mtcars #copy the original
squared_deviance[TRUE]<-NA  #replace with NA or do squared_deviance[,]<-NA
for (i in seq_along(mtcars)){
  squared_deviance[[i]] <- (mtcars[[i]] - mean(mtcars[[i]]))^2
[1] 32 11

The result will be the same event though we use the character option (B).

Optimal Construction of a For Loop

To illustrate the effect of good for loop construction, we will calculate the mean of each column in four different ways:

  1. Using a poorly optimized for loop
  2. Using a well optimized for for loop
  3. Using an *apply family of functions
  4. Using the colMeans function

Each of these options will be shown in code; a comparison of the computational time to execute each option will be shown; and lastly a discussion of the differences will be given.

Poorly optimized for loop

column_mean_poor <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(mtcars)){
  column_mean_poor[i] <- mean(mtcars[[i]])

Well optimized for loop

column_mean_optimal <- vector("numeric", length(mtcars))
for (i in seq_along(mtcars)){
  column_mean_optimal <- mean(mtcars[[i]])

vapply Function

column_mean_vapply <- vapply(mtcars, mean, numeric(1))

colMeans Function

column_mean_colMeans <- colMeans(mtcars)

Efficiency comparison

The results of benchmarking these four approaches is shown below (code not displayed)

Unit: microseconds
     expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq     max neval  cld
     poor 240.986 262.0820 287.1125 275.8160 307.2485 442.609   100    d
  optimal 220.313 237.4455 258.8426 247.0735 280.9130 362.469   100   c 
   vapply 107.042 109.7320 124.4715 113.4130 132.6695 202.473   100 a   
 colMeans 155.183 161.6955 180.2067 175.0045 194.2605 259.958   100  b

Notice that the optimized for loop edged out the poorly constructed for loop. The poorly constructed for loop is constantly increasing the length of the output object, and at each change of the length, R is reevaluating the class of the object.

Some of this overhead burden is removed by the optimized for loop by declaring the type of output object and its length before starting the loop.

In this example, however, the use of an vapply function doubles the computational efficiency, largely because we told R that the result had to be numeric (if any one result were not numeric, an error would be returned).

Use of the colMeans function is a touch slower than the vapply function. This difference is attributable to some error checks performed in colMeans and mainly to the as.matrix conversion (because mtcars is a data.frame) that weren't performed in the vapply function.

The Other Looping Constructs: while and repeat

R provides two additional looping constructs, while and repeat, which are typically used in situations where the number of iterations required is indeterminate.

The while loop

The general form of a while loop is as follows,

while (condition) {
    ## do something
    ## in loop body

where condition is evaluated prior to entering the loop body. If condition evaluates to TRUE, the code inside of the loop body is executed, and this process repeats until condition evaluates to FALSE (or a break statement is reached; see below). Unlike the for loop, if a while loop uses a variable to perform incremental iterations, the variable must be declared and initialized ahead of time, and must be updated within the loop body. For example, the following loops accomplish the same task:

for (i in 0:4) {
    cat(i, "\n")
# 0 
# 1 
# 2 
# 3 
# 4 

i <- 0
while (i < 5) {
    cat(i, "\n")
    i <- i + 1
# 0 
# 1 
# 2 
# 3 
# 4 

In the while loop above, the line i <- i + 1 is necessary to prevent an infinite loop.

Additionally, it is possible to terminate a while loop with a call to break from inside the loop body:

iter <- 0
while (TRUE) {
    if (runif(1) < 0.25) {
    } else {
        iter <- iter + 1
#[1] 4

In this example, condition is always TRUE, so the only way to terminate the loop is with a call to break inside the body. Note that the final value of iter will depend on the state of your PRNG when this example is run, and should produce different results (essentially) each time the code is executed.

The repeat loop

The repeat construct is essentially the same as while (TRUE) { ## something }, and has the following form:

repeat ({
    ## do something
    ## in loop body

The extra {} are not required, but the () are. Rewriting the previous example using repeat,

iter <- 0
repeat ({
    if (runif(1) < 0.25) {
    } else {
        iter <- iter + 1
#[1] 2 

More on break

It's important to note that break will only terminate the immediately enclosing loop. That is, the following is an infinite loop:

while (TRUE) {
    while (TRUE) {
        cat("inner loop\n")
    cat("outer loop\n")

With a little creativity, however, it is possible to break entirely from within a nested loop. As an example, consider the following expression, which, in its current state, will loop infinitely:

while (TRUE) {
    cat("outer loop body\n")
    while (TRUE) {
        cat("inner loop body\n")
        x <- runif(1)
        if (x < .3) {
        } else {
            cat(sprintf("x is %.5f\n", x))

One possibility is to recognize that, unlike break, the return expression does have the ability to return control across multiple levels of enclosing loops. However, since return is only valid when used within a function, we cannot simply replace break with return() above, but also need to wrap the entire expression as an anonymous function:

(function() {
    while (TRUE) {
        cat("outer loop body\n")
        while (TRUE) {
            cat("inner loop body\n")
            x <- runif(1)
            if (x < .3) {
            } else {
                cat(sprintf("x is %.5f\n", x))

Alternatively, we can create a dummy variable (exit) prior to the expression, and activate it via <<- from the inner loop when we are ready to terminate:

exit <- FALSE
while (TRUE) {
    cat("outer loop body\n")
    while (TRUE) {
        cat("inner loop body\n")
        x <- runif(1)
        if (x < .3) {
            exit <<- TRUE
        } else {
            cat(sprintf("x is %.5f\n", x))
    if (exit) break


Topic Id: 2201

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