Using the package RMySQL we can easily query MySQL as well as MariaDB databases and store the result in an R dataframe:
mydb <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user='user', password='password', dbname='dbname',host='')
queryString <- "SELECT * FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 on"
query <- dbSendQuery(mydb, queryString)
data <- fetch(query, n=-1) # n=-1 to return all results
It is also possible to define a limit, e.g. getting only the first 100,000 rows. In order to do so, just change the SQL query regarding the desired limit. The mentioned package will consider these options. Example:
queryString <- "SELECT * FROM table1 limit 100000"
In order to load data from a MongoDB database into an R dataframe, use the library MongoLite:
# Use MongoLite library:
# Connect to the database and the desired collection as root:
db <- mongo(collection = "Tweets", db = "TweetCollector", url = "mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOSTNAME")
# Read the desired documents i.e. Tweets inside one dataframe:
documents <- db$find(limit = 100000, skip = 0, fields = '{ "_id" : false, "Text" : true }')
The code connects to the server HOSTNAME
, tries to open the database TweetCollector
and read the collection Tweets
. The query tries to read the field i.e. column Text
The results is a dataframe with columns as the yielded data set. In case of this example, the dataframe contains the column Text
, e.g. documents$Text