Design Patterns - Structural

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Adapters are used to convert the interface of a given class, known as an Adaptee, into another interface, called the Target. Operations on the Target are called by a Client, and those operations are adapted by the Adapter and passed on to the Adaptee.

In Swift, Adapters can often be formed through the use of protocols. In the following example, a Client able to communicate with the Target is provided with the ability to perform functions of the Adaptee class through the use of an adapter.

// The functionality to which a Client has no direct access
class Adaptee {
    func foo() {
        // ...

// Target's functionality, to which a Client does have direct access
protocol TargetFunctionality {
    func fooBar() {}

// Adapter used to pass the request on the Target to a request on the Adaptee
extension Adaptee: TargetFunctionality {
    func fooBar() {

Example flow of a one-way adapter: Client -> Target -> Adapter -> Adaptee

Adapters can also be bi-directional, and these are known as two-way adapters. A two-way adapter may be useful when two different clients need to view an object differently.


A Facade provides a unified, high-level interface to subsystem interfaces. This allows for simpler, safer access to the more general facilities of a subsystem.

The following is an example of a Facade used to set and retrieve objects in UserDefaults.

enum Defaults {

    static func set(_ object: Any, forKey defaultName: String) {
        let defaults: UserDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
        defaults.set(object, forKey:defaultName)

    static func object(forKey key: String) -> AnyObject! {
        let defaults: UserDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
        return defaults.object(forKey: key) as AnyObject!


Usage might look like the following.

Defaults.set("Beyond all recognition.", forKey:"fooBar")
Defaults.object(forKey: "fooBar")

The complexities of accessing the shared instance and synchronizing UserDefaults are hidden from the client, and this interface can be accessed from anywhere in the program.


Topic Id: 9497

Example Ids: 29375,29376

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