Sets are unordered collections of unique values. Unique values must be of the same type.
var colors = Set<String>()
You can declare a set with values by using the array literal syntax.
var favoriteColors: Set<String> = ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue"]
// {"Blue", "Green", "Red"}
var favoriteColors: Set = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]
//favoriteColors = {"Blue", "Green", "Red"}
You can use the insert(_:)
method to add a new item into a set.
//favoriteColors = {"Red", "Green", "Orange", "Blue"}
You can use the remove(_:)
method to remove an item from a set. It returns optional containing value that was removed or nil if value was not in the set.
let removedColor = favoriteColors.remove("Red")
//favoriteColors = {"Green", "Orange", "Blue"}
// removedColor = Optional("Red")
let anotherRemovedColor = favoriteColors.remove("Black")
// anotherRemovedColor = nil
var favoriteColors: Set = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]
//favoriteColors = {"Blue", "Green", "Red"}
You can use the contains(_:)
method to check whether a set contains a value. It will return true if the set contains that value.
if favoriteColors.contains("Blue") {
print("Who doesn't like blue!")
// Prints "Who doesn't like blue!"
Common values from both sets:
You can use the intersect(_:)
method to create a new set containing all the values common to both sets.
let favoriteColors: Set = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]
let newColors: Set = ["Purple", "Orange", "Green"]
let intersect = favoriteColors.intersect(newColors) // a AND b
// intersect = {"Green"}
All values from each set:
You can use the union(_:)
method to create a new set containing all the unique values from each set.
let union = favoriteColors.union(newColors) // a OR b
// union = {"Red", "Purple", "Green", "Orange", "Blue"}
Notice how the value "Green" only appears once in the new set.
Values that don't exist in both sets:
You can use the exclusiveOr(_:)
method to create a new set containing the unique values from either but not both sets.
let exclusiveOr = favoriteColors.exclusiveOr(newColors) // a XOR b
// exclusiveOr = {"Red", "Purple", "Orange", "Blue"}
Notice how the value "Green" doesn't appear in the new set, since it was in both sets.
Values that are not in a set:
You can use the subtract(_:)
method to create a new set containing values that aren't in a specific set.
let subtract = favoriteColors.subtract(newColors) // a - (a AND b)
// subtract = {"Blue", "Red"}
Notice how the value "Green" doesn't appear in the new set, since it was also in the second set.
In order to define a Set
of your own type you need to conform your type to Hashable
struct Starship: Hashable {
let name: String
var hashValue: Int { return name.hashValue }
func ==(left:Starship, right: Starship) -> Bool {
return ==
Now you can create a Set
of Starship(s)
let ships : Set<Starship> = [Starship(name:"Enterprise D"), Starship(name:"Voyager"), Starship(name:"Defiant") ]
Swift 3 introduces the CountedSet
class (it's the Swift version of the NSCountedSet
Objective-C class).
CountedSet, as suggested by the name, keeps track of how many times a value is present.
let countedSet = CountedSet()
countedSet.count(for: 1) // 3
countedSet.count(for: 2) // 1