FRP, or Functional Reactive Programming, has some basic terms which you need to know.
Every piece of data can be represented as Observable
, which is an asynchronous data stream. The power of FRP is in representation synchronous and asynchronous events as streams, Observable
s, and providing the same interface to work with it.
Usually Observable
holds several (or none) events that holds the date - .Next
events, and then it can be terminated successfully (.Success
) or with an error (.Error
Let's take a look at following marble diagram:
In this example there is a stream of Int
values. As time moves forward, three .Next
events occurred, and then the stream terminated successfully.
The diagram above shows a case where no data was emitted and .Error
event terminates the Observable
Before we move on, there are some useful resources:
RxSwift offers many ways to create an Observable
, let's take a look:
import RxSwift
let intObservale = Observable.just(123) // Observable<Int>
let stringObservale = Observable.just("RxSwift") // Observable<String>
let doubleObservale = Observable.just(3.14) // Observable<Double>
So, the observables are created. They holds just one value and then terminates with success. Nevertheless, nothing happening after it was created. Why?
There are two steps in working with Observable
s: you observe something to create a stream and then you subscribe to the stream or bind it to something to interact with it.
Observable.just(12).subscribe {
The console will print:
And if I interested only in working with data, which take place in .Next
events, I'd use subscribeNext
Observable.just(12).subscribeNext {
print($0) // prints "12" now
If I want create an observable of many values, I use different operators:
Observable.of(1,2,3,4,5).subscribeNext {
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// I can represent existing data types as Observables also:
[1,2,3,4,5].asObservable().subscribeNext {
// result is the same as before.
And finally, maybe I want an Observable
that does some work. For example, it is convenient to wrap a network operation into Observable<SomeResultType>
. Let's take a look of do one can achieve this:
Observable.create { observer in // create an Observable ...
MyNetworkService.doSomeWorkWithCompletion { (result, error) in
if let e = error {
observer.onError(e) // ..that either holds an error
} else {
observer.onNext(result) // ..or emits the data
observer.onCompleted() // ..and terminates successfully.
return NopDisposable.instance // here you can manually free any resources
//in case if this observable is being disposed.
After the subscription was created, it is important to manage its correct deallocation.
The docs told us that
If a sequence terminates in finite time, not calling dispose or not using addDisposableTo(disposeBag) won't cause any permanent resource leaks. However, those resources will be used until the sequence completes, either by finishing production of elements or returning an error.
There are two ways of deallocate resources.
s and addDisposableTo
operator.In the first case you manually pass the subscription to the DisposeBag
object, which correctly clears all taken memory.
let bag = DisposeBag()
Observable.just(1).subscribeNext {
You don't actually need to create DisposeBag
s in every class that you create, just take a look at RxSwift Community's project named NSObject+Rx. Using the framework the code above can be rewritten as follows:
Observable.just(1).subscribeNext {
In the second case, if the subscription time coincides with the self
object lifetime, it is possible to implement disposing using takeUntil(rx_deallocated)
let _ = sequence
.subscribe {
Observable.combineLatest(firstName.rx_text, lastName.rx_text) { $0 + " " + $1 }
.map { "Greetings, \($0)" }
Using the combineLatest
operator every time an item is emitted by either of two Observables
, combine the latest item emitted by each Observable
. So in this way we combine the result of the two UITextField
's creating a new message with the text "Greetings, \($0)"
using string interpolation to later bind to the text of a UILabel
We can bind data to any UITableView
and UICollectionView
in an very easy way:
.bindTo(resultsTableView.rx_itemsWithCellIdentifier("WikipediaSearchCell", cellType: WikipediaSearchCell.self)) { (_, viewModel, cell) in
cell.title = viewModel.title
cell.url = viewModel.url
That’s an Rx wrapper around the cellForRowAtIndexPath
data source method. And also Rx takes care of the implementation of the numberOfRowsAtIndexPath
, which is a required method in a traditional sense, but you don’t have to implement it here, it’s taken care of.
RxSwift provides not only the ways to control your data, but to represent user actions in a reactive way also.
RxCocoa contains everything you need. It wraps most of the UI components' properties into Observable
s, but not really. There are some upgraded Observable
s called ControlEvent
s (which represent events) and ControlProperties
(which represent properties, surprise!). These things holds Observable
streams under the hood, but also have some nuances:
sequence on control being deallocated.MainScheduler.instance
).Basically, you can work with them as usual:
button.rx_tap.subscribeNext { _ in // control event
print("User tapped the button!")
textField.rx_text.subscribeNext { text in // control property
print("The textfield contains: \(text)")
// notice that ControlProperty generates .Next event on subscription
// In this case, the log will display
// "The textfield contains: "
// at the very start of the app.
This is very important to use: as long as you use Rx, forget about the @IBAction
stuff, everything you need you can bind and configure at once. For example, viewDidLoad
method of your view controller is a good candidate to describe how the UI-components work.
Ok, another example: suppose we have a textfield, a button, and a label. We want to validate text in the textfield when we tap the button, and display the results in the label. Yep, seems like an another validate-email task, huh?
First of all, we grab the button.rx_tap
Here empty parenthesis show user taps. Next, we take what's written in the textField with withLatestFrom
operator (take a look at it here, imagine that upper stream represents user taps, bottom one represents text in the text field).
// ^ tap ^ i wrote 123 ^ tap
Nice, we have a stream of strings to validate, emitted only when we need to validate.
Any Observable
has such familiar operators as map
or filter
, we'll take map
to validate the text. Create validateEmail
function yourself, use any regex you want.
button.rx_tap // ControlEvent<Void>
.withLatestFrom(textField.rx_text) // Observable<String>
.map(validateEmail) // Observable<Bool>
.map { (isCorrect) in
return isCorrect ? "Email is correct" : "Input the correct one, please"
} // Observable<String>
Done! If you need more custom logic (like showing error views in case of error, making a transition to another screen on success...), just subscribe to the final Bool
stream and write it there.