struct Mathematics
internal func performOperation(inputArray: [Int], operation: (Int)-> Int)-> [Int]
var processedArray = [Int]()
for item in inputArray
return processedArray
internal func performComplexOperation(valueOne: Int)-> ((Int)-> Int)
return valueOne + $0
let arrayToBeProcessed = [1,3,5,7,9,11,8,6,4,2,100]
let math = Mathematics()
func add2(item: Int)-> Int
return (item + 2)
// assigning the function to a variable and then passing it to a function as param
let add2ToMe = add2
print(math.performOperation(inputArray: arrayToBeProcessed, operation: add2ToMe))
[3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 102]
Similarly the above could be achieved using a closure
// assigning the closure to a variable and then passing it to a function as param
let add2 = {(item: Int)-> Int in return item + 2}
print(math.performOperation(inputArray: arrayToBeProcessed, operation: add2))
func multiply2(item: Int)-> Int
return (item + 2)
let multiply2ToMe = multiply2
// passing the function directly to the function as param
print(math.performOperation(inputArray: arrayToBeProcessed, operation: multiply2ToMe))
[3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 102]
Similarly the above could be achieved using a closure
// passing the closure directly to the function as param
print(math.performOperation(inputArray: arrayToBeProcessed, operation: { $0 * 2 }))
// function as return type
print(math.performComplexOperation(valueOne: 4)(5))