struct Repository {
let identifier: Int
let name: String
var description: String?
This defines a Repository
struct with three stored properties, an integer identifier
, a string name
, and an optional string description
. The identifier
and name
are constants, as they've been declared using the let
-keyword. Once set during initialization, they cannot be modified. The description is a variable. Modifying it updates the value of the structure.
Structure types automatically receive a memberwise initializer if they do not define any of their own custom initializers. The structure receives a memberwise initializer even if it has stored properties that do not have default values.
contains three stored properties of which only description
has a default value (nil
). Further it defines no initializers of its own, so it receives a memberwise initializer for free:
let newRepository = Repository(identifier: 0, name: "New Repository", description: "Brand New Repository")
Unlike classes, which are passed by reference, structures are passed through copying:
first = "Hello"
second = first
first += " World!"
// first == "Hello World!"
// second == "Hello"
String is a structure, therefore it's copied on assignment.
Structures also cannot be compared using identity operator:
window0 === window1 // works because a window is a class instance
"hello" === "hello" // error: binary operator '===' cannot be applied to two 'String' operands
Every two structure instances are deemed identical if they compare equal.
Collectively, these traits that differentiate structures from classes are what makes structures value types.
A method of a struct that change the value of the struct itself must be prefixed with the mutating
struct Counter {
private var value = 0
mutating func next() {
value += 1
The mutating
methods are only available on struct values inside variables.
var counter = Counter()
On the other hand, mutating
methods are NOT available on struct values inside constants
let counter = Counter()
// error: cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'counter' is a 'let' constant
Unlike classes, structures cannot inherit:
class MyView: NSView { } // works
struct MyInt: Int { } // error: inheritance from non-protocol type 'Int'
Structures, however, can adopt protocols:
struct Vector: Hashable { ... } // works
In Swift, structures use a simple “dot syntax” to access their members.
For example:
struct DeliveryRange {
var range: Double
let center: Location
let storeLocation = Location(latitude: 44.9871,
longitude: -93.2758)
var pizzaRange = DeliveryRange(range: 200,
center: storeLocation)
You can access(print) the range like this:
print(pizzaRange.range) // 200
You can even access members of members using dot syntax:
print( // 44.9871
Similar to how you can read values with dot syntax, you can also assign them.
pizzaRange.range = 250