Classes can inherit directly from only one class, but (instead or at the same time) can implement one or more interfaces.
Structs can implement interfaces but cannot explicitly inherit from any type. They implicitly inherit from System.ValueType
, which in turn inherits directly from System.Object
Static classes cannot implement interfaces.
To avoid duplicating code, define common methods and attributes in a general class as a base:
public class Animal
public string Name { get; set; }
// Methods and attributes common to all animals
public void Eat(Object dinner)
// ...
public void Stare()
// ...
public void Roll()
// ...
Now that you have a class that represents Animal
in general, you can define a class that describes the peculiarities of specific animals:
public class Cat : Animal
public Cat()
Name = "Cat";
// Methods for scratching furniture and ignoring owner
public void Scratch(Object furniture)
// ...
The Cat class gets access to not only the methods described in its definition explicitly, but also all the methods defined in the general Animal
base class. Any Animal (whether or not it was a Cat) could Eat, Stare, or Roll. An Animal would not be able to Scratch, however, unless it was also a Cat. You could then define other classes describing other animals. (Such as Gopher with a method for destroying flower gardens and Sloth with no extra methods at all.)
public class Animal
public string Name { get; set; }
public interface INoiseMaker
string MakeNoise();
//Note that in C#, the base class name must come before the interface names
public class Cat : Animal, INoiseMaker
public Cat()
Name = "Cat";
public string MakeNoise()
return "Nyan";
public class LivingBeing
string Name { get; set; }
public interface IAnimal
bool HasHair { get; set; }
public interface INoiseMaker
string MakeNoise();
//Note that in C#, the base class name must come before the interface names
public class Cat : LivingBeing, IAnimal, INoiseMaker
public Cat()
Name = "Cat";
HasHair = true;
public bool HasHair { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string MakeNoise()
return "Nyan";
interface BaseInterface {}
class BaseClass : BaseInterface {}
interface DerivedInterface {}
class DerivedClass : BaseClass, DerivedInterface {}
var baseInterfaceType = typeof(BaseInterface);
var derivedInterfaceType = typeof(DerivedInterface);
var baseType = typeof(BaseClass);
var derivedType = typeof(DerivedClass);
var baseInstance = new BaseClass();
var derivedInstance = new DerivedClass();
Console.WriteLine(derivedInstance is DerivedClass); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInstance is DerivedInterface); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInstance is BaseClass); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInstance is BaseInterface); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInstance is object); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedType.BaseType.Name); //BaseClass
Console.WriteLine(baseType.BaseType.Name); //Object
Console.WriteLine(typeof(object).BaseType); //null
Console.WriteLine(baseType.IsInstanceOfType(derivedInstance)); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedType.IsInstanceOfType(baseInstance)); //False
derivedType.GetInterfaces().Select(t => t.Name).ToArray()));
Console.WriteLine(baseInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(derivedType)); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(derivedType)); //True
Console.WriteLine(derivedInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(baseType)); //False
Unlike interfaces, which can be described as contracts for implementation, abstract classes act as contracts for extension.
An abstract class cannot be instantiated, it must be extended and the resulting class (or derived class) can then be instantiated.
Abstract classes are used to provide generic implementations
public abstract class Car
public void HonkHorn() {
// Implementation of horn being honked
public class Mustang : Car
// Simply by extending the abstract class Car, the Mustang can HonkHorn()
// If Car were an interface, the HonkHorn method would need to be included
// in every class that implemented it.
The above example shows how any class extending Car will automatically receive the HonkHorn method with the implementation. This means that any developer creating a new Car will not need to worry about how it will honk it's horn.
When you make a subclass of a base class, you can construct the base class by using : base
after the subclass constructor's parameters.
class Instrument
string type;
bool clean;
public Instrument (string type, bool clean)
this.type = type;
this.clean = clean;
class Trumpet : Instrument
bool oiled;
public Trumpet(string type, bool clean, bool oiled) : base(type, clean)
this.oiled = oiled;
Consider we have a class Animal
which has a child class Dog
class Animal
public Animal()
Console.WriteLine("In Animal's constructor");
class Dog : Animal
public Dog()
Console.WriteLine("In Dog's constructor");
By default every class implicitly inherits the Object
This is same as the above code.
class Animal : Object
public Animal()
Console.WriteLine("In Animal's constructor");
When creating an instance of Dog
class, the base classes's default constructor (without parameters) will be called if there is no explicit call to another constructor in the parent class. In our case, first will be called Object's
constructor, then Animal's
and at the end Dog's
public class Program
public static void Main()
Dog dog = new Dog();
Output will be
In Animal's constructor
In Dog's constructor
Call parent's constructor explicitly.
In the above examples, our Dog
class constructor calls the default constructor of the Animal
class. If you want, you can specify which constructor should be called: it is possible to call any constructor which is defined in the parent class.
Consider we have these two classes.
class Animal
protected string name;
public Animal()
Console.WriteLine("Animal's default constructor");
public Animal(string name)
{ = name;
Console.WriteLine("Animal's constructor with 1 parameter");
class Dog : Animal
public Dog() : base()
Console.WriteLine("Dog's default constructor");
public Dog(string name) : base(name)
Console.WriteLine("Dog's constructor with 1 parameter");
What is going here?
We have 2 constructors in each class.
What does base
is a reference to the parent class. In our case, when we create an instance of Dog
class like this
Dog dog = new Dog();
The runtime first calls the Dog()
, which is the parameterless constructor. But its body doesn't work immediately. After the parentheses of the constructor we have a such call: base()
, which means that when we call the default Dog
constructor, it will in turn call the parent's default constructor. After the parent's constructor runs, it will return and then, finally, run the Dog()
constructor body.
So output will be like this:
Animal's default constructor
Dog's default constructor
Now what if we call the Dog's
constructor with a parameter?
Dog dog = new Dog("Rex");
You know that members in the parent class which are not private are inherited by the child class, meaning that Dog
will also have the name
In this case we passed an argument to our constructor. It in his turn passes the argument to the parent class' constructor with a parameter, which initializes the name
Output will be
Animal's constructor with 1 parameter
Dog's constructor with 1 parameter
Every object creation starts from the base class. In the inheritance, the classes which are in the hierarchy are chained. As all classes derive from Object
, the first constructor to be called when any object is created is the Object
class constructor; Then the next constructor in the chain is called and only after all of them are called the object is created
base keyword
There are several ways methods can be inherited
public abstract class Car
public void HonkHorn() {
// Implementation of horn being honked
// virtual methods CAN be overridden in derived classes
public virtual void ChangeGear() {
// Implementation of gears being changed
// abstract methods MUST be overridden in derived classes
public abstract void Accelerate();
public class Mustang : Car
// Before any code is added to the Mustang class, it already contains
// implementations of HonkHorn and ChangeGear.
// In order to compile, it must be given an implementation of Accelerate,
// this is done using the override keyword
public override void Accelerate() {
// Implementation of Mustang accelerating
// If the Mustang changes gears differently to the implementation in Car
// this can be overridden using the same override keyword as above
public override void ChangeGear() {
// Implementation of Mustang changing gears
Lets say there are 2 classes class Foo
and Bar
. Foo
has two features Do1
and Do2
. Bar
needs to use Do1
from Foo
, but it doesn't need Do2
or needs feature that is equivalent to Do2
but does something completely different.
Bad way: make Do2()
on Foo
virtual then override it in Bar
or just throw Exception
in Bar
for Do2()
public class Bar : Foo
public override void Do2()
//Does something completely different that you would expect Foo to do
//or simply throws new Exception
Good way
Take out Do1()
from Foo
and put it into new class Baz
then inherit both Foo
and Bar
from Baz
and implement Do2()
public class Baz
public void Do1()
// magic
public class Foo : Baz
public void Do2()
// foo way
public class Bar : Baz
public void Do2()
// bar way or not have Do2 at all
Now why first example is bad and second is good: When developer nr2 has to do a change in Foo
, chances are he will break implementation of Bar
because Bar
is now inseparable from Foo
. When doing it by latter example Foo
and Bar
commonalty has been moved to Baz
and they do not affect each other (like the shouldn't).
One time definition of a generic base class with recursive type specifier. Each node has one parent and multiple children.
/// <summary>
/// Generic base class for a tree structure
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The node type of the tree</typeparam>
public abstract class Tree<T> where T : Tree<T>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor sets the parent node and adds this node to the parent's child nodes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">The parent node or null if a root</param>
protected Tree(T parent)
this.Children=new List<T>();
parent.Children.Add(this as T);
public T Parent { get; private set; }
public List<T> Children { get; private set; }
public bool IsRoot { get { return Parent==null; } }
public bool IsLeaf { get { return Children.Count==0; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of hops to the root object
/// </summary>
public int Level { get { return IsRoot ? 0 : Parent.Level+1; } }
The above can be re-used every time a tree hierarchy of objects needs to be defined. The node object in the tree has to inherit from the base class with
public class MyNode : Tree<MyNode>
// stuff
each node class knows where it is in the hierarchy, what the parent object is as well as what the children objects are. Several built in types use a tree structure, like Control
or XmlElement
and the above Tree<T>
can be used as a base class of any type in your code.
For example, to create a hierarchy of parts where the total weight is calculated from the weight of all the children, do the following:
public class Part : Tree<Part>
public static readonly Part Empty = new Part(null) { Weight=0 };
public Part(Part parent) : base(parent) { }
public Part Add(float weight)
return new Part(this) { Weight=weight };
public float Weight { get; set; }
public float TotalWeight { get { return Weight+Children.Sum((part) => part.TotalWeight); } }
to be used as
// [Q:2.5] -- [P:4.2] -- [R:0.4]
// \
// - [Z:0.8]
var Q = Part.Empty.Add(2.5f);
var P = Q.Add(4.2f);
var R = P.Add(0.4f);
var Z = Q.Add(0.9f);
// 2.5+(4.2+0.4)+0.9 = 8.0
float weight = Q.TotalWeight;
Another example would in the definition of relative coordinate frames. In this case the true position of the coordinate frame depends on the positions of all the parent coordinate frames.
public class RelativeCoordinate : Tree<RelativeCoordinate>
public static readonly RelativeCoordinate Start = new RelativeCoordinate(null, PointF.Empty) { };
public RelativeCoordinate(RelativeCoordinate parent, PointF local_position)
: base(parent)
public PointF LocalPosition { get; set; }
public PointF GlobalPosition
if(IsRoot) return LocalPosition;
var parent_pos = Parent.GlobalPosition;
return new PointF(parent_pos.X+LocalPosition.X, parent_pos.Y+LocalPosition.Y);
public float TotalDistance
float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(LocalPosition.X*LocalPosition.X+LocalPosition.Y*LocalPosition.Y);
return IsRoot ? dist : Parent.TotalDistance+dist;
public RelativeCoordinate Add(PointF local_position)
return new RelativeCoordinate(this, local_position);
public RelativeCoordinate Add(float x, float y)
return Add(new PointF(x, y));
to be used as
// Define the following coordinate system hierarchy
// o--> [A1] --+--> [B1] -----> [C1]
// |
// +--> [B2] --+--> [C2]
// |
// +--> [C3]
var A1 = RelativeCoordinate.Start;
var B1 = A1.Add(100, 20);
var B2 = A1.Add(160, 10);
var C1 = B1.Add(120, -40);
var C2 = B2.Add(80, -20);
var C3 = B2.Add(60, -30);
double dist1 = C1.TotalDistance;