There is a maximum capacity an integer can store. And when you go over that limit, it will loop back to the negative side. For int
, it is 2147483647
int x = int.MaxValue; //MaxValue is 2147483647
x = unchecked(x + 1); //make operation explicitly unchecked so that the example also works when the check for arithmetic overflow/underflow is enabled in the project settings
Console.WriteLine(x); //Will print -2147483648
Console.WriteLine(int.MinValue); //Same as Min value
For any integers out of this range use namespace System.Numerics which has datatype BigInteger. Check below link for more information
Overflow also happens during the operation. In the following example, x is an int
, 1 is an int
by default. Therefore addition is an int
addition. And the result will be an int
. And it will overflow.
int x = int.MaxValue; //MaxValue is 2147483647
long y = x + 1; //It will be overflown
Console.WriteLine(y); //Will print -2147483648
Console.WriteLine(int.MinValue); //Same as Min value
You can prevent that by using 1L. Now 1 will be a long
and addition will be a long
int x = int.MaxValue; //MaxValue is 2147483647
long y = x + 1L; //It will be OK
Console.WriteLine(y); //Will print 2147483648
There is overflow in the following code
int x = int.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(x + x + 1L); //prints -1
Whereas in the following code there is no overflow
int x = int.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(x + 1L + x); //prints 4294967295
This is due to the left-to-right ordering of the operations. In the first code fragment x + x
overflows and after that it becomes a long
. On the other hand x + 1L
becomes long
and after that x
is added to this value.