Pandas IO tools (reading and saving data sets)

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The pandas official documentation includes a page on IO Tools with a list of relevant functions to read and write to files, as well as some examples and common parameters.

Reading csv file into DataFrame

Example for reading file data_file.csv such as:



7, str_data, 25, 23.32




   index    header1  header2  header3
0      1   str_data       12     1.40
1      3   str_data       22    42.33
2      4   str_data        2     3.44
3      2   str_data       43    43.34
4      7   str_data       25    23.32

Some useful arguments:

  • sep The default field delimiter is a comma ,. Use this option if you need a different delimiter, for instance pd.read_csv('data_file.csv', sep=';')

  • index_col With index_col = n (n an integer) you tell pandas to use column n to index the DataFrame. In the above example:

    pd.read_csv('data_file.csv',  index_col=0)


              header1  header2  header3
     1       str_data       12     1.40
     3       str_data       22    42.33
     4       str_data        2     3.44
     2       str_data       43    43.34
     7       str_data       25    23.32
  • skip_blank_lines By default blank lines are skipped. Use skip_blank_lines=False to include blank lines (they will be filled with NaN values)

    pd.read_csv('data_file.csv',  index_col=0,skip_blank_lines=False)


             header1  header2  header3
     1      str_data       12     1.40
     3      str_data       22    42.33
     4      str_data        2     3.44
     2      str_data       43    43.34
    NaN          NaN      NaN      NaN
     7      str_data       25    23.32
  • parse_dates Use this option to parse date data.



    Code to parse columns 0 and 1 as dates:

    pd.read_csv('f.csv', sep=';', parse_dates=[0,1])


      date_begin   date_end   header3  header4 header5
    0 2017-01-01 2017-01-10  str_data     1001  123,45
    1 2017-02-01 2017-02-10  str_data     1001   67,89
    2 2017-03-01 2017-03-10  str_data     1001       0

    By default, the date format is inferred. If you want to specify a date format you can use for instance

    dateparse = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%d/%m/%Y')
    pd.read_csv('f.csv', sep=';',parse_dates=[0,1],date_parser=dateparse)


      date_begin   date_end   header3  header4 header5
    0 2017-01-01 2017-10-01  str_data     1001  123,45
    1 2017-01-02 2017-10-02  str_data     1001   67,89
    2 2017-01-03 2017-10-03  str_data     1001       0   

More information on the function's parameters can be found in the official documentation.

Basic saving to a csv file

raw_data = {'first_name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Jim'],
            'last_name': ['Doe', 'Smith', 'Jones'],
            'department': ['Accounting', 'Sales', 'Engineering'],}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data,columns=raw_data.keys())

Parsing dates when reading from csv

You can specify a column that contains dates so pandas would automatically parse them when reading from the csv

pandas.read_csv('data_file.csv', parse_dates=['date_column'])

Spreadsheet to dict of DataFrames

with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls) as xl:
    d = {sheet_name: xl.parse(sheet_name) for sheet_name in xl.sheet_names}

Read a specific sheet

pd.read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheetname='Sheet1')

There are many parsing options for read_excel (similar to the options in read_csv.

              sheetname='Sheet1', header=[0, 1, 2],
              skiprows=3, index_col=0)  # etc.

Testing read_csv

import pandas as pd
import io

temp=u"""index; header1; header2; header3
1; str_data; 12; 1.4
3; str_data; 22; 42.33
4; str_data; 2; 3.44
2; str_data; 43; 43.34
7; str_data; 25; 23.32"""
#after testing replace io.StringIO(temp) to filename
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(temp),  
                 sep = ';', 
                 index_col = 0,
                 skip_blank_lines = True)
print (df)
         header1   header2   header3
1       str_data        12      1.40
3       str_data        22     42.33
4       str_data         2      3.44
2       str_data        43     43.34
7       str_data        25     23.32

List comprehension

All files are in folder files. First create list of DataFrames and then concat them:

import pandas as pd
import glob




files = glob.glob('files/*.csv')
dfs = [pd.read_csv(fp) for fp in files]
#duplicated index inherited from each Dataframe
df = pd.concat(dfs)
print (df)
   a  b
0  1  2
1  5  8
0  9  6
1  6  4
0  4  3
1  7  0
#'reseting' index
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
print (df)
   a  b
0  1  2
1  5  8
2  9  6
3  6  4
4  4  3
5  7  0
#concat by columns
df1 = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
print (df1)
   a  b  a  b  a  b
0  1  2  9  6  4  3
1  5  8  6  4  7  0
#reset column names
df1 = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1, ignore_index=True)
print (df1)
   0  1  2  3  4  5
0  1  2  9  6  4  3
1  5  8  6  4  7  0

Read in chunks

import pandas as pd    

chunksize = [n]
for chunk in pd.read_csv(filename, chunksize=chunksize):

Save to CSV file

Save with default parameters:


Write specific columns:

df.to_csv(file_name, columns =['col'])

Difault delimiter is ',' - to change it:


Write without the header:

df.to_csv(file_name, header=False)

Write with a given header:

df.to_csv(file_name, header = ['A','B','C',...]

To use a specific encoding (e.g. 'utf-8') use the encoding argument:

df.to_csv(file_name, encoding='utf-8')

Parsing date columns with read_csv

Date always have a different format, they can be parsed using a specific parse_dates function.

This input.csv:

2016 06 10 20:30:00    foo
2016 07 11 19:45:30    bar
2013 10 12 4:30:00     foo

Can be parsed like this :

mydateparser = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S")
df = pd.read_csv("file.csv", sep='\t', names=['date_column', 'other_column'], parse_dates=['date_column'], date_parser=mydateparser)

parse_dates argument is the column to be parsed
date_parser is the parser function

Read & merge multiple CSV files (with the same structure) into one DF

import os
import glob
import pandas as pd

def get_merged_csv(flist, **kwargs):
    return pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f, **kwargs) for f in flist], ignore_index=True)

path = 'C:/Users/csvfiles'
fmask = os.path.join(path, '*mask*.csv')

df = get_merged_csv(glob.glob(fmask), index_col=None, usecols=['col1', 'col3'])


If you want to merge CSV files horizontally (adding columns), use axis=1 when calling pd.concat() function:

def merged_csv_horizontally(flist, **kwargs):
    return pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f, **kwargs) for f in flist], axis=1)

Reading cvs file into a pandas data frame when there is no header row

If the file does not contain a header row,



7; str_data; 25; 23.32

you can use the keyword names to provide column names:

df = pandas.read_csv('data_file.csv', sep=';', index_col=0,
                     skip_blank_lines=True, names=['a', 'b', 'c'])

           a   b      c
1   str_data  12   1.40
3   str_data  22  42.33
4   str_data   2   3.44
2   str_data  43  43.34
7   str_data  25  23.32

Using HDFStore

import string
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

generate sample DF with various dtypes

df = pd.DataFrame({
     'int32':    np.random.randint(0, 10**6, 10),
     'int64':    np.random.randint(10**7, 10**9, 10).astype(np.int64)*10,
     'float':    np.random.rand(10),
     'string':   np.random.choice([c*10 for c in string.ascii_uppercase], 10),

In [71]: df
      float   int32       int64      string
0  0.649978  848354  5269162190  DDDDDDDDDD
1  0.346963  490266  6897476700  OOOOOOOOOO
2  0.035069  756373  6711566750  ZZZZZZZZZZ
3  0.066692  957474  9085243570  FFFFFFFFFF
4  0.679182  665894  3750794810  MMMMMMMMMM
5  0.861914  630527  6567684430  TTTTTTTTTT
6  0.697691  825704  8005182860  FFFFFFFFFF
7  0.474501  942131  4099797720  QQQQQQQQQQ
8  0.645817  951055  8065980030  VVVVVVVVVV
9  0.083500  349709  7417288920  EEEEEEEEEE

make a bigger DF (10 * 100.000 = 1.000.000 rows)

df = pd.concat([df] * 10**5, ignore_index=True)

create (or open existing) HDFStore file

store = pd.HDFStore('d:/temp/example.h5')

save our data frame into h5 (HDFStore) file, indexing [int32, int64, string] columns:

store.append('store_key', df, data_columns=['int32','int64','string'])

show HDFStore details

In [78]: store.get_storer('store_key').table
/store_key/table (Table(10,)) ''
  description := {
  "index": Int64Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=0),
  "values_block_0": Float64Col(shape=(1,), dflt=0.0, pos=1),
  "int32": Int32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=2),
  "int64": Int64Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=3),
  "string": StringCol(itemsize=10, shape=(), dflt=b'', pos=4)}
  byteorder := 'little'
  chunkshape := (1724,)
  autoindex := True
  colindexes := {
    "index": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "int32": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "string": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "int64": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False}

show indexed columns

In [80]: store.get_storer('store_key').table.colindexes
    "int32": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "index": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "string": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False,
    "int64": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_csi=False}

close (flush to disk) our store file


Read Nginx access log (multiple quotechars)

For multiple quotechars use regex in place of sep:

df = pd.read_csv(log_file,
              usecols=[0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
              names=['ip', 'time', 'request', 'status', 'size', 'referer', 'user_agent'],


Topic Id: 2896

Example Ids: 2966,5063,5241,5926,5927,6499,6785,7302,7948,8458,9045,9810,9812,15180

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