Remember, the Snapshot API is used to request current state while the Fence API continuously checks for a specified state and sends callbacks when an app isn't running.
Overall, there are a few basic steps in order to use the Snapshot API or Fence API:
Get an API key from the Google Developers Console
Add necessary permissions and API key to the manifest:
<!-- Not required for getting current headphone state -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<!-- Only required for actvity recognition -->
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<!-- Replace with your actual API key from console -->
<meta-data android:name=""
<!-- Required for Snapshot API only -->
<meta-data android:name=""
Initalize the GoogleApiClient
somewhere, preferably in your activity's onCreate() method.
GoogleApiClient client = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)
Call the API of your choice
Parse result
An easy way to check for the needed user permission is a method such as this:
private boolean isFineLocationGranted() {
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Fine location permission not granted!");
For one-time, non-constant requests for a user's physical activity, use the Snapshot API:
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<DetectedActivityResult>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull DetectedActivityResult detectedActivityResult) {
if (!detectedActivityResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Could not get the current activity.");
ActivityRecognitionResult result = detectedActivityResult
DetectedActivity probableActivity = result.getMostProbableActivity();
Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Activity received : " +
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<HeadphoneStateResult>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull HeadphoneStateResult headphoneStateResult) {
Log.i(TAG, "Headphone state connection state: " +
.getState() == HeadphoneState.PLUGGED_IN));
// Remember to intialize your client as described in the Remarks section
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<LocationResult>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull LocationResult locationResult) {
Location location = locationResult.getLocation();
Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Coordinates: "location.getLatitude() + "," +
location.getLongitude() + ", radius : " + location.getAccuracy());
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PlacesResult>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull PlacesResult placesResult) {
List<PlaceLikelihood> likelihoodList = placesResult.getPlaceLikelihoods();
if (likelihoodList == null || likelihoodList.isEmpty()) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "No likely places");
As for getting the data in those places, here are some options:
Place place = placeLikelihood.getPlace();
String likelihood = placeLikelihood.getLikelihood();
Place place = likelihood.getPlace();
String placeName = place.getName();
String placeAddress = place.getAddress();
String placeCoords = place.getLatLng();
String locale = extractFromLocale(place.getLocale()));
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<WeatherResult>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull WeatherResult weatherResult) {
Weather weather = weatherResult.getWeather();
if (weather == null) {
Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "No weather received");
} else {
Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Temperature is " +
weather.getTemperature(Weather.CELSIUS) + ", feels like " +
weather.getFeelsLikeTemperature(Weather.CELSIUS) +
", humidity is " + weather.getHumidity());
If you want to detect when your user starts or finishes an activity such as walking, running, or any other activity of the DetectedActivityFence
class, you can create a fence for the activity that you want to detect, and get notified when your user starts/finishes this activity. By using a BroadcastReceiver
, you will get an Intent
with data that contains the activity:
// Your own action filter, like the ones used in the Manifest.
private static final String FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID +
private static final String FENCE_KEY = "walkingFenceKey";
private FenceReceiver mFenceReceiver;
private PendingIntent mPendingIntent;
// Make sure to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// etc.
// The 0 is a standard Activity request code that can be changed to your needs.
mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0,
registerReceiver(mFenceReceiver, new IntentFilter(FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION));
// Create the fence.
AwarenessFence fence = DetectedActivityFence.during(DetectedActivityFence.WALKING);
// Register the fence to receive callbacks.
Awareness.FenceApi.updateFences(client, new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder()
.addFence(FENCE_KEY, fence, mPendingIntent)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
Log.i(FENCE_KEY, "Successfully registered.");
} else {
Log.e(FENCE_KEY, "Could not be registered: " + status);
Now you can receive the intent with a BroadcastReceiver
to get callbacks when the user changes the activity:
public class FenceReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "FenceReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Get the fence state
FenceState fenceState = FenceState.extract(intent);
switch (fenceState.getCurrentState()) {
case FenceState.TRUE:
Log.i(TAG, "User is walking");
case FenceState.FALSE:
Log.i(TAG, "User is not walking");
case FenceState.UNKNOWN:
Log.i(TAG, "User is doing something unknown");
If you want to detect when your user enters a specific location, you can create a fence for the specific location with a radius you want and be notified when your user enters or leaves the location.
// Your own action filter, like the ones used in the Manifest
private static final String FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID +
private static final String FENCE_KEY = "locationFenceKey";
private FenceReceiver mFenceReceiver;
private PendingIntent mPendingIntent;
// Make sure to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// etc
// The 0 is a standard Activity request code that can be changed for your needs
mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0,
registerReceiver(mFenceReceiver, new IntentFilter(FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION));
// Create the fence
AwarenessFence fence = LocationFence.entering(48.136334, 11.581660, 25);
// Register the fence to receive callbacks.
Awareness.FenceApi.updateFences(client, new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder()
.addFence(FENCE_KEY, fence, mPendingIntent)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(@NonNull Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
Log.i(FENCE_KEY, "Successfully registered.");
} else {
Log.e(FENCE_KEY, "Could not be registered: " + status);
Now create a BroadcastReciver to recive updates in user state:
public class FenceReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "FenceReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Get the fence state
FenceState fenceState = FenceState.extract(intent);
switch (fenceState.getCurrentState()) {
case FenceState.TRUE:
Log.i(TAG, "User is in location");
case FenceState.FALSE:
Log.i(TAG, "User is not in location");
case FenceState.UNKNOWN:
Log.i(TAG, "User is doing something unknown");