Xposed is a framework that allows you to hook method calls of other apps. When you do a modification by decompiling an APK, you can insert/change commands directly wherever you want. However, you will need to recompile/sign the APK afterwards and you can only distribute the whole package. With Xposed, you can inject your own code before or after methods, or replace whole methods completely. Unfortunately, you can only install Xposed on rooted devices. You should use Xposed whenever you want to manipulate the behavior of other apps or the core Android system and don't want to go through the hassle of decompiling, recompiling and signing APKs.
First, you create a standard app without an Activity in Android Studio.
Then you have to include the following code in your build.gradle:
repositories {
After that you add the following dependencies:
provided 'de.robv.android.xposed:api:82'
provided 'de.robv.android.xposed:api:82:sources'
Now you have to place these tags inside the application tag found in the AndroidManifest.xml so Xposed recognizes your module:
android:value="true" />
android:value="YOUR_MODULE_DESCRIPTION" />
android:value="82" />
NOTE: Always replace 82 with the latest Xposed version.
Create a new class implementing IXposedHookLoadPackage
and implement the handleLoadPackage
public class MultiPatcher implements IXposedHookLoadPackage
public void handleLoadPackage(XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam loadPackageParam) throws Throwable
Inside the method, you check loadPackageParam.packageName
for the package name of the app you want to hook:
public void handleLoadPackage(XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam loadPackageParam) throws Throwable
if (!loadPackageParam.packageName.equals("other.package.name"))
Now you can hook your method and either manipulate it before it's code is run, or after:
public void handleLoadPackage(XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam loadPackageParam) throws Throwable
if (!loadPackageParam.packageName.equals("other.package.name"))
new XC_MethodHook()
protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable
Object[] args = param.args;
args[0] = true;
args[1] = "example string";
args[2] = 1;
Object thisObject = param.thisObject;
// Do something with the instance of the class
protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable
Object result = param.getResult();
param.setResult(result + "example string");