is much better solution to check whether directory exists and it's accesable for reading and writing.
import os
path = "/home/myFiles/directory1"
## Check if path exists
os.access(path, os.F_OK)
## Check if path is Readable
os.access(path, os.R_OK)
## Check if path is Wriable
os.access(path, os.W_OK)
## Check if path is Execuatble
os.access(path, os.E_OK)
also it's possible to perfrom all checks together
os.access(path, os.F_OK & os.R_OK & os.W_OK & os.E_OK)
All the above returns True
if access is allowed and False
if not allowed.
These are available on unix and windows.
Parameter | Details |
os.F_OK | Value to pass as the mode parameter of access() to test the existence of path. |
os.R_OK | Value to include in the mode parameter of access() to test the readability of path. |
os.W_OK | Value to include in the mode parameter of access() to test the writability of path. |
os.X_OK | Value to include in the mode parameter of access() to determine if path can be executed. |