All return values from ConfigParser.ConfigParser().get
are strings. It can be converted to more common types thanks to eval
In config.ini:
debug = True
name = Test
password = password
path = /path/to/file
In Python:
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()
#Load configuration file"config.ini")
# Access the key "debug" in "DEFAULT" section
config.get("DEFAULT", "debug")
# Return 'True'
# Access the key "path" in "FILES" destion
config.get("FILES", "path")
# Return '/path/to/file'
Configuration file contains sections, each section contains keys and values. configparser module can be used to read and write config files. Creating the configuration file:-
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile:
The output file contains below structure
resolution = 320x240
color = blue
If you want to change particular field ,get the field and assign the value