From Wikipedia:
In computer science, a stack is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of elements, with two principal operations: push, which adds an element to the collection, and pop, which removes the most recently added element that was not yet removed.
Due to the way their elements are accessed, stacks are also known as Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) stacks.
In Python one can use lists as stacks with append()
as push and pop()
as pop operations. Both operations run in constant time O(1).
The Python's deque
data structure can also be used as a stack. Compared to lists, deque
s allow push and pop operations with constant time complexity from both ends.
Using a list
object you can create a fully functional generic Stack with helper methods such as peeking and checking if the stack is Empty. Check out the official python docs for using list
as Stack
#define a stack class
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
#method to check the stack is empty or not
def isEmpty(self):
return self.items == []
#method for pushing an item
def push(self, item):
#method for popping an item
def pop(self):
return self.items.pop()
#check what item is on top of the stack without removing it
def peek(self):
return self.items[-1]
#method to get the size
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
#to view the entire stack
def fullStack(self):
return self.items
An example run:
stack = Stack()
print('Current stack:', stack.fullStack())
print('Stack empty?:', stack.isEmpty())
print('Pushing integer 1')
print('Pushing string "Told you, I am generic stack!"')
stack.push('Told you, I am generic stack!')
print('Pushing integer 3')
print('Current stack:', stack.fullStack())
print('Popped item:', stack.pop())
print('Current stack:', stack.fullStack())
print('Stack empty?:', stack.isEmpty())
Current stack: []
Stack empty?: True
Pushing integer 1
Pushing string "Told you, I am generic stack!"
Pushing integer 3
Current stack: [1, 'Told you, I am generic stack!', 3]
Popped item: 3
Current stack: [1, 'Told you, I am generic stack!']
Stack empty?: False
Stacks are often used for parsing. A simple parsing task is to check whether a string of parentheses are matching.
For example, the string ([])
is matching, because the outer and inner brackets form pairs. ()<>)
is not matching, because the last )
has no partner. ([)]
is also not matching, because pairs must be either entirely inside or outside other pairs.
def checkParenth(str):
stack = Stack()
pushChars, popChars = "<({[", ">)}]"
for c in str:
if c in pushChars:
elif c in popChars:
if stack.isEmpty():
return False
stackTop = stack.pop()
# Checks to see whether the opening bracket matches the closing one
balancingBracket = pushChars[popChars.index(c)]
if stackTop != balancingBracket:
return False
return False
return not stack.isEmpty()