Magic (also called dunder as an abbreviation for double-underscore) methods in Python serve a similar purpose to operator overloading in other languages. They allow a class to define its behavior when it is used as an operand in unary or binary operator expressions. They also serve as implementations called by some built-in functions.
Consider this implementation of two-dimensional vectors.
import math
class Vector(object):
# instantiation
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
# unary negation (-v)
def __neg__(self):
return Vector(-self.x, -self.y)
# addition (v + u)
def __add__(self, other):
return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
# subtraction (v - u)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + (-other)
# equality (v == u)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
# abs(v)
def __abs__(self):
return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)
# str(v)
def __str__(self):
return '<{0.x}, {0.y}>'.format(self)
# repr(v)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Vector({0.x}, {0.y})'.format(self)
Now it is possible to naturally use instances of the Vector
class in various expressions.
v = Vector(1, 4)
u = Vector(2, 0)
u + v # Vector(3, 4)
print(u + v) # "<3, 4>" (implicit string conversion)
u - v # Vector(1, -4)
u == v # False
u + v == v + u # True
abs(u + v) # 5.0
It is possible to emulate container types, which support accessing values by key or index.
Consider this naive implementation of a sparse list, which stores only its non-zero elements to conserve memory.
class sparselist(object):
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size = {}
# l[index]
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index < 0:
index += self.size
if index >= self.size:
raise IndexError(index)
except KeyError:
return 0.0
# l[index] = value
def __setitem__(self, index, value):[index] = value
# del l[index]
def __delitem__(self, index):
if index in
# value in l
def __contains__(self, value):
return value == 0.0 or value in
# len(l)
def __len__(self):
return self.size
# for value in l: ...
def __iter__(self):
return (self[i] for i in range(self.size)) # use xrange for python2
Then, we can use a sparselist
much like a regular list
l = sparselist(10 ** 6) # list with 1 million elements
0 in l # True
10 in l # False
l[12345] = 10
10 in l # True
l[12345] # 10
for v in l:
pass # 0, 0, 0, ... 10, 0, 0 ... 0
class adder(object):
def __init__(self, first):
self.first = first
# a(...)
def __call__(self, second):
return self.first + second
add2 = adder(2)
add2(1) # 3
add2(2) # 4
If your class doesn't implement a specific overloaded operator for the argument types provided, it should return NotImplemented
(note that this is a special constant, not the same as NotImplementedError
). This will allow Python to fall back to trying other methods to make the operation work:
is returned, the interpreter will then try the reflected operation on the other type, or some other fallback, depending on the operator. If all attempted operations returnNotImplemented
, the interpreter will raise an appropriate exception.
For example, given x + y
, if x.__add__(y)
returns unimplemented, y.__radd__(x)
is attempted instead.
class NotAddable(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __add__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
class Addable(NotAddable):
def __add__(self, other):
return Addable(self.value + other.value)
__radd__ = __add__
As this is the reflected method we have to implement __add__
and __radd__
to get the expected behaviour in all cases; fortunately, as they are both doing the same thing in this simple example, we can take a shortcut.
In use:
>>> x = NotAddable(1)
>>> y = Addable(2)
>>> x + x
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NotAddable' and 'NotAddable'
>>> y + y
<so.Addable object at 0x1095974d0>
>>> z = x + y
>>> z
<so.Addable object at 0x109597510>
>>> z.value
Below are the operators that can be overloaded in classes, along with the method definitions that are required, and an example of the operator in use within an expression.
N.B. The use of other
as a variable name is not mandatory, but is considered the norm.
Operator | Method | Expression |
+ Addition | __add__(self, other) | a1 + a2 |
- Subtraction | __sub__(self, other) | a1 - a2 |
* Multiplication | __mul__(self, other) | a1 * a2 |
@ Matrix Multiplication | __matmul__(self, other) | a1 @ a2 (Python 3.5) |
/ Division | __div__(self, other) | a1 / a2 (Python 2 only) |
/ Division | __truediv__(self, other) | a1 / a2 (Python 3) |
// Floor Division | __floordiv__(self, other) | a1 // a2 |
% Modulo/Remainder | __mod__(self, other) | a1 % a2 |
** Power | __pow__(self, other[, modulo]) | a1 ** a2 |
<< Bitwise Left Shift | __lshift__(self, other) | a1 << a2 |
>> Bitwise Right Shift | __rshift__(self, other) | a1 >> a2 |
& Bitwise AND | __and__(self, other) | a1 & a2 |
^ Bitwise XOR | __xor__(self, other) | a1 ^ a2 |
| (Bitwise OR) | __or__(self, other) | a1 | a2 |
- Negation (Arithmetic) | __neg__(self) | -a1 |
+ Positive | __pos__(self) | +a1 |
~ Bitwise NOT | __invert__(self) | ~a1 |
< Less than | __lt__(self, other) | a1 < a2 |
<= Less than or Equal to | __le__(self, other) | a1 <= a2 |
== Equal to | __eq__(self, other) | a1 == a2 |
!= Not Equal to | __ne__(self, other) | a1 != a2 |
> Greater than | __gt__(self, other) | a1 > a2 |
>= Greater than or Equal to | __ge__(self, other) | a1 >= a2 |
[index] Index operator | __getitem__(self, index) | a1[index] |
in In operator | __contains__(self, other) | a2 in a1 |
(*args, ...) Calling | __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) | a1(*args, **kwargs) |
The optional parameter modulo
for __pow__
is only used by the pow
built-in function.
Each of the methods corresponding to a binary operator has a corresponding "right" method which start with __r
, for example __radd__
class A:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def __add__(self, other):
return self.a + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + self.a
A(1) + 2 # Out: 3
2 + A(1) # prints radd. Out: 3
as well as a corresponding inplace version, starting with __i
class B:
def __init__(self, b):
self.b = b
def __iadd__(self, other):
self.b += other
return self
b = B(2)
b.b # Out: 2
b += 1 # prints iadd
b.b # Out: 3
Since there's nothing special about these methods, many other parts of the language, parts of the standard library, and even third-party modules add magic methods on their own, like methods to cast an object to a type or checking properties of the object. For example, the builtin str()
function calls the object's __str__
method, if it exists.
Some of these uses are listed below.
Function | Method | Expression |
Casting to int | __int__(self) | int(a1) |
Absolute function | __abs__(self) | abs(a1) |
Casting to str | __str__(self) | str(a1) |
Casting to unicode | __unicode__(self) | unicode(a1) (Python 2 only) |
String representation | __repr__(self) | repr(a1) |
Casting to bool | __nonzero__(self) | bool(a1) |
String formatting | __format__(self, formatstr) | "Hi {:abc}".format(a1) |
Hashing | __hash__(self) | hash(a1) |
Length | __len__(self) | len(a1) |
Reversed | __reversed__(self) | reversed(a1) |
Floor | __floor__(self) | math.floor(a1) |
Ceiling | __ceil__(self) | math.ceil(a1) |
There are also the special methods __enter__
and __exit__
for context managers, and many more.